
The Living Lab Bus project has ended and buses currently do not provide real-time data. The documentation on these pages describes the LLB environment as it were during the project and does not reflect the current situation.

If you wish to have access on the history data collected during the project, please contact or leave your feedback with contact details using our Ideas and feedback form.

The Living Lab Bus project offers development, testing and demonstration opportunities utilizing the fleet of electric buses running in normal operation on a few of Helsinki Region Transport’s (HSL) lines in Helsinki, and equipped with an LLB on-board setup:

  • buses serve as mobile sensor platforms providing an extensive selection of real-time and accumulated history data from both existing and third party devices,
  • provides edge computing capabilities (with on-board computer) for controlling data collection and enabling its pre-processing, as well as
  • allows means for provision of  services and content to passengers and other stakeholders in buses utilizing on-board computing power, public displays and mobile landing page.

See further information about buses, their on-board setups and available open data here.

The Living Lab Bus project offers several ways to exploit its offering (see figure below):

  1. –> Developer Portal <–: APIs and tools for service developers to access and use extensive real-time and logged data from a fleet of operational buses
  2. –> Testing Hardware <–: technology developers can test their solutions (e.g. sensors) in a real-life environment
  3. –> Demonstrating Services <–: service providers can test and demonstrate services (e.g. passenger infotainment) to collect feedback from real users
Opportunities for different types of solutions
The extensible LLB On-board Technical Environment and opportunities for different types of new solutions